Saturday, February 18, 2012

Photo's of the Day!!!

So as usual here at RMLF, I do a 'Photo of The Day' post as often as I can. This past week I've been occupied with getting things together for myself personally as well as with my job. However, I always try and find time to roam the streets of NY, pull out my cell phone, and snap some of the most eye catching shots I can...and as always, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! On Thursday I happen to be walking up 5th ave on my way to work. As I'm walking, I past by this beautiful woman you see on the right side of the photo's above first. Her name is Claudia. She spoke with a seemingly European accent that was very soft and timid. When I first noticed her, her hair was tucked away underneath her Black mink trimmed big-button coat. As I asked for her photograph she released her long strands of beauty and smiled. Every-thing about her spoke volumes, from her neatly trimmed golden locks of hair, to her Louis Vuitton spring collection heels...She was fashion! She walked with just the right amount of confidence allowing every wandering eye to re-direct their attention to the nearest work of art, HER! She was moment I always look forward to in my day.

As I continue to make my way off of 5th ave, I then hit Lexington still headed to work. I was coming past Bloomingdales and I just so happen to look through the glass of doors you use to enter. As I glanced in, I was instantly captivated! Although I didn't know it yet but I was staring at Miss Tiffany, the young lady on the left side of the photos at the top. Tiffany is a model who works in the daytime at Bloomindales. She hadn't been long on her shift and began explaining to me the weird series of events that had been happening to her this week. She says "this week has been absolutely insane for me, everyone has been coming up to me asking me to work with them or be apart of their projects..." I simply replied, "Maybe god is trying to tell you something, it's meant to be." She smiled and posed! She donned a light brown mink coat that had touches of dark brown to almost black shades in it. She wore pencil denim jeans to throw most of the attention from her coat to her black platform booties, and she finally topped the scene off with the right amount of make-up. Picture Perfect!

And last but most certainly not least you see the beautiful women in the middle of the photo's at the top. Unfortunately, she was very much busy with getting to her destination so I did not get her name. However, she seemed overjoyed that I wanted her photo, "Wait til' I tell my daughter this..." she says and smiles away. She wore a long brown trench coat that covered what I'm sure was the perfect outfit. The only part that was visible to me was her red-painted fingernails and her face, which was what I wanted to get most importantly. Almost instantly I thought of Eartha Kitt or even Michelle Pfeiffer. Her face was made for the camera and she added to her beauty with a classic platinum short cut. I couldn't help myself but stare, she had a classic 1950's beauty to her that I just knew would never go out of style. She wore platform leopard print heels and bronz-like earrings. This was one mother who successfully managed to hold on to a piece of herself throughout her life of work, kids, and all other responsibilities...and might I add she wore life well!  

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