Sunday, January 15, 2012


Man Fashion Rule # 1: Every Man should have a pair of cufflinks.

I don't know any guy who is a positive and successful example of a man and doesn't have a nice pair of cufflinks. They are definitely called for. If you have read my bow tie post then you know that we as men I believe are expected to look our best. Now men don't have many accessories but this is one where I say should be at the top of your dresser. You never know if there will be a last minute meeting, formal event, Church service, or whatever the case may be that requires you to put on your best! Cufflinks can take a regular outfit and make it perfect for the occasion. You could have on a nice button down long sleeved shirt, a nice pair of jeans, with a casual pair of drivers. Perfect for the family reunion or dinner party right? Now pop on a pair of nice cufflinks and your ready for a business brunch or a night at the theater. Above is a pair of cufflinks that I like by Salvatore Ferragamo (my dad's favorite designer). I seen these in particular at Sak's & Company online store and they retail at $230 (USD) WHOA THERE! So yeah I forgot to mention that these things can get kind of pricy...especially nice ones!! So if your budget is nowhere near that then you can always check out Thomas Pink's Cufflinks. His Gordon Link Woven cufflink's are basic are made with silk inlay's and come in three different colors (grey with white detail, orange with blue detail, and purple with pink detail). There is a Thomas Pink store located in the Time Warner building in Columbus Circle (NYC) and they retail there and online at $50 (USD). Now if you know Thomas Pink then you know that this is most certainly a DEAL so I wouldn't waste time!! I'll put the link for both of these designers below for the online shoppers.


Thomas Pink:

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