Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Perfect Gift!

Ok ok ok, I admit I haven't done a post in the past TWO days but I have been really busy traveling back and forth between NY and Philly. I think I have something though that will make up for it, just take a look at the picture above. Now we're already getting towards the end of the first month of the new year and I can't think of where time went. But nonetheless, we're moving forward into February and before we know it Valentine's Day will be here. Now some people would say this day is extremely over rated and isn't even a real holiday. Then there's the ones who are madly in love with their "soul mate" and believe this is the day made just for them. Which ever side of the fence your on we all agree that it's just another day to enjoy the company of other's! With that being said what better way to show someone you love by getting a nice gift. I'm talking a gift that they would remember and truly be grateful for. Well, if you want to make that special person feel special then I say you can't go wrong when it comes to Chanel. Chanel has released it's signature fragrance No. 5 Eau Premiere. This is more like a spin off to the original No. 5 Eau de Parfum first released by Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel herself in 1921. The story of No. 5 is a very popular one and well known all over the world. Russian-French chemist and perfumer Earnest Beaux designed the fragrance along with 23 other fragrances for the French Couture designer. He displayed the samples in Vials lined across for Coco and she began choosing which scents she liked most. When she got to the fifth vial, she knew that it had the modern innovation she was looking for and told Beaux whom she commissioned at the time "I present my dress collections on the fifth of May, the fifth month of the year and so we will let this sample number five keep the name it has already, it will bring good luck." And in Christmas of 1921 the famed perfume made it's debut. 

Now, what about the men? I mean after all we're expected to go above and beyond for that special lady on V-day right, so what can we expect in return? Well luckily, Chanel has also released one of it's signature fragrances for men called "Bleu de Chanel". I actually went and got this fragrance myself and it is one of my personal favorite colognes to wear. It has a bold draft to it yet a slight powder fragrance that captivates yours senses. Perfect for the successful business man and convenient for the young man who inspires to be. Just A small amount to the pressure points and one will that was kind of corny but trust me when you guys smell this cologne it's like love at first sniff. You can pick up either one of these fragrances or both at any major department store like Neiman's, Sak's, Bergdorf's or Macy's. The No. 5 fragrance retails at $85 (USD) for the 2.5 oz. bottle and $125.00 (USD) for the 5.0 oz bottle. The Bleu de Chanel Fragrance for men retails at $62.00 (USD) for the 1.7 oz. bottle and $84.00 (USD) for the 3.4 oz bottle. You can also purchase both of these fragrances online at . So if you really love someone whether romantically or just as a friend then give them this gift that show's you really care this Valentine's Day...Don't forget the chocolate!

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