Sunday, January 15, 2012


This photo to me will surely surpass all prior and ones to come for the photo of the day! In fact, I went back and forth on if I should have made this the first photo of the day but then I thought it would be better to start this week off with this one. This is a picture of my mom in her Pageant days. Ever since my mom was a young girl she dreamt of becoming Ms. America! In the 80's my late Uncle Billy tried helping my mom achieve her dream by entering her in contests and local shows in hopes of one day her being noticed! Well in July of 1981 my mom was selected to compete in the Miss Virginia World Pageant. She was one of 3 women from the Piedmont area in Va. chosen to compete. What I like so much about this photo is that my mom was so classic at such a young age and she told me she always remained humble. She didn't win the competition overall but she went pretty far within it. A year later she moved to Vermont to compete and became one of the top 5 finalist in the Ms. Vermont pageant. My mom is truly an inspiration because even though she didn't become Ms. America she still went after her dreams. I later learned that my grandmother named her after the Princess of Monacco and hollywood actress Grace Kelly. I truly do believe my mom did and still does live up to her name and for that now all of America can see who this beauty queen is...Ms. Grace Kelly!

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