Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Tip of A Nail

So this is a quick post for the women out there. I was at work (Equinox Fitness) not too long ago and member who is a friend of mine came in to work out. When she approached the counter, I grabbed her ID card and checked her in and we began to talk. I was happy to see her cause honestly she is one of the funniest women I know and she has the coolest personailty. As we were talking one of my co-workers had noticed the lady I was talking to and came over to join the conversation, she was a friend of her's also. So we were all talking and hanging out and then they began to discuss beauty tips. Well I actually had no place in the convo but automatically I thought of my blogsite and said to myself "maybe the female viewers on my site could use this". So I put up my radars and began to take notes. It was about the nail polish brand Essie. Apparently this is a very popular brand amongst the women of the Upper East Side in New York and everyone seems to rave about, this actually wasn't the first time I heard about it. There are two colors within the brand that they were saying if you layer each one on your nails you'll get the perfect color. "A layer of Vanity Fair and Mademoiselle...". For some reason it was the way they said this that gave me the feeling I had just found out some top secret information. Of course I had to ask what was so special about this and they told me it was a one of the most popular and talked about things to do when painting their nails. So I went on Essie's website myself and found both colors and seen that they were shades of pink. Now the one color is actually called Vanity Fairest so when looking keep that in mind, it's just the way all the women say it that's different. Each color is sold at a retail of $8.00 (USD) and can be purchased online. I'll post the link to the colors below for you to check out. There doesn't seem to be much of a difference to me however I know women can tell. Lol .So go and try it and post some of your comments below!

Vanity Fairest Link:

Mademoiselle Link:

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