Friday, June 1, 2012

Introducing, NESH!

        Ask yourself this question, with all of the clothes that you have in your closet, how many of them were actually made here in America? How many of your shoes have the words "Made in 'insert country here' " on the soles? More than likely most, if not all of them will. Now ask yourself this, if everything is coming from another country, then what are WE (America) making? You see, as Americans we love to pride ourselves on being a group of powerful individuals who are known for their endless abilities and creating some of the most high-standard technology. We take credit for alot of things that are apart of our everyday life and making them possible, but what about the simple things that we need, like clothes and shoes? Many people put on some of the most fashionable and expensive clothing everyday just to get someone to take that second look at them, claiming a place in the fashion world. However, when you pay these vast amounts of money for these clothes and shop at some of the worlds most high-end brands for whatever it is that you want, do you really ever think about where exactly are these items coming from and who is benefiting from your purchase? I know I don't, I can honestly say I don't think about where it came from, I just know it's going into a bag and out the door with me.(just being honest, don't judge me. ha!) Well most recently I actually had the pleasure of sitting down and speaking with two business owners whose company is a clothing line that takes pride in being "home-grown". A clothing line with some of the most current fashions that aren't just made for looks but actually serve a purpose. What do they call it? active wear collection that was made to be "functional, durable, and would move with a woman through out her whole day".

I met the two entreprenerus at their midtown office in the middle of the fashion district in New York. Once I arrived inside I headed straight for the elevator and up to the 9th floor. I remember becoming more and more excited as the floor numbers in the elevator got higher and higher, I felt like I was getting ready to discover something new and BIG! As I entered their office I immediately caught eyes with two sewers who seemed to be working diligently, they both smiled at me and returned to their duties. As I stepped in further, I came to a full scene of machinery, manequins, drapping fabrics, and two huge windows that looked onto a New York fashion business block. I was then greeted by a woman named Connie who I would later find out was the pattern maker for the business. Once I gave her my name and the reason for my arrival she then directed me into the office of Bree Chambers and Pam Elden. I had previously met Pam at the gym that I work at (Equinox) where she was doing a trunk show. Once she and I were re-acquainted she introduced me to her business partner Bree...and then the session began. Bree and Pam met in their yoga instructor training class they both had been attending. They were on their way to becoming two of the best yoga teachers that New York had to offer. There was only one problem, why didn't they feel like they were on their way to being so great? Something about getting up everyday and going to class in what seemed to almost be pajamas was killing their confidence. It wasnt't that their job title wasn't rewarding to them, it was the build up that lead to that point that seemed like it should have been a little more encouraging. They had been in class most of the day and didn't have the time to go home and change out of their yoga attire in order to deal with their personal lives. Once they got dressed for class that was the outfit of the day, the entire day! I could only assume that this had to be a bit of a struggle for the pair, here were two beautiful educated women taking action on further educating themselves and trying to look good while doing it, the problem was they weren't neccessarily able to. Of course they weren't looking for a full on stylist with hair and make-up at their beck and call, but they did want to look and feel good in their everday schedules. Bree and Pam both decided why not create a clothing line of active-wear that was not only functionable and comfortable, but also something you felt you looked presentable and fashionable in. From these two very thoughts and inspiration from the deity Ganesha muraled on their classroom wall came the perfect solution, they would call it Nesh (shortened from Ganesha).   It was here when Bree knew that this is where her Parson's school of design degree and her 12 years in the fashion industry would be put to perfect use. For Pam, she was finally able to feed that passion for fashion she had and put her years of business experience to great use, and the two decided to embark on this journey together!

Nesh is not a company one would neccessarily put into a specific classification in terms of style. In fact, one could say that this line targets many different groups of individuals and their styles. Part of the foundation of this company is the idea to tend to the likes of both the high-end individual as well as the low-end or everyday indivdual. The owners here find the mentality for both groups of people to be the same, that is why they do their best not to do what they call "design by numbers." To them the fashion industry, much like everything else in the world, is focused on designing or creating not to only stay relevent or on top but to keep the cost of producing it as low as possible, even if that means totally re-designing the piece. A design could easily start off looking the way the designer intended for it to look but when the cost to create the piece is determined several alterations take place just to keep that number low instead of staying true to it's original form of great design. This trend has easily made it's way throughout fashion houses all over the world causing creativity to be affected due to price, the result...lack of design. However for Nesh, they do aim to save money and lower cost expense for themselves, but their focus is more on the individual who buys their clothing and what it does for them. They ensure that the designs they decide to put out is of nothing but quality. The quality that the college student is looking for to wear throughout her day of classes or the quality that gives that stay-at-home mother a little more confidence while out with her children running errands. Of course we all know that quality comes at a higher cost so how can they possibly be saving money? The answer is quite simple, become a U.S. sourced company, or in other words..."Home-Grown"! Nesh has started as a small U.S. company but is growing at a rapid pace. The fabrics for their designs comes straight from L.A. shortening their turn-around time and helps make the production process alot more efficient. For these two business women it is crucial that they have variety in their buying and they aim only for top sellers, to successfully do this they only can depend on their own personal sense of style and education on fashion. Even though they are a smaller company that's currently making more of a national mark, they respectfully treat their business as if it were a major global brand, such as Nike or Addidas. This business tactic is what keeps them on the rise while also keeping them true to their brand and process. The company consists of 4 sewers, 1 cuter, and a beautiful pattern maker who greeted me earlier on named Connie (remember her!!). Throughout Connie's 10 years of working for Nesh she is a true believer that Nesh has fabric styles that truly do stand out. Working with Bree and Pam, she says the three of them have came to the conclusion that there is a lack of appreciation for active wear in the world of apparel. I could only assume from this statement alone that she has an essential role within this company, she know's that people will not only purchase something that they really like but also something they can appreciate through the quality of the piece, and part of that falls on her.

So is it neccessarily easier to be a company that is U.S. based and uphold this "in-house production" vowel? Some would most certainly say yes, but then you have the con's to it all. The idea of cost alone could discourage the inspiring business owner. Nesh is based in New York's Manhattan borough and if you know anything about it's cost-of-living, then you know you'd have better chances developing universal health care in America than trying to find affrodable real estate here. Also depending on where you live there could be a lack of infrastructure that could negatively affect your business. Not everywhere in America is built up like New York so it could be a huge let down to have the greatest idea for a business but have no market for it to be sold in, obviously factors such as these play a minute role for Bree and Pam. For these two women they use the positive aspects such as being able to monitor production to ensure quality, and creating more jobs in America to keep them right where they are...In America! It seems to be the morality of the concept that ensures their dedication to this idea. The two share a passion for this company as a whole that can be seen through their garments in which they believe will help popularize the brand and it's process. They can only hope that other businesses will catch on to this "in-house production" trend and not let popularity of it be their biggest challenge but instead their goal! Bree and Pam will admit however, the two do get tempted when offers are placed on the table for them to move their manufacturing out of country for lower cost purposes. However, just as quick as the offer is made, it takes them half the time to remember their purpose and the vowel they made to sticking to their guns..And that means keeping themselves right here where they feel they are most effective not only for their company but also for their country!

As we came to the conclusion of our conversation we found ourselves in an encouraging spirit and began to feed off of that energy. We learned alot about each other's personal lives and how much we actually had in common. These two not only make and sell clothing made for fitness/ yoga or plain active purposes, but they also come custom made with inspiration and a sense of positive encouragment and support. As you all know, this is something I am very big on and I couldn't have been more excited once I learned the three of us had this in common. To encourage this way of life Bree and Pam both decided on holding yoga classes right in THEIR BUSINESS SITE for the public to attend...check out their website below for class info and details. In short, these are some the best designs in clothing made with talent and quality and packed in customer satisfaction. As a principal, we can all learn that there is much to learn in supporting our own. Afterall, we can only build on a strong foundation?

-Craig J.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Photo of The Day...


Of Course...Mr. Ford!

Did I almost forget to mention that Tom Ford (My favorite designer) has released his Men's Fallwear 2012 collection...Nah not me! Guys get in here and take a look, but bring a pen and paper. Mr. Ford is honestly giving out 'how to' guides on being a gentlemen...well at least how to look like one. This collection is all about plaid prints, fur, and deep fall colors. Oh and of course he expresses these looks through models that live up to his "look-pose" reputation. Some go for it and some don't, either way he's got us all looking. Thing is, I still haven't figured out why he does not conduct some sort of public viewing for his collection. It's not like he doesnt have the recognition or ability to do so...who doesn't know Tom Ford. Anyway, don't just take my word for it guys, check out the rest of the collection for yourself at, and see why this man really left Gucci back in 2005!!

Real Men Take Care of Their Skin!

So guys I'm sure you all know that when it comes to our skin we can get down and dirty. From the jobs that some of us have to the events that occur through out the day, there seems to be no escaping from being left with dirty clogged up pores. Well here's a simply solution that I found can help you cleanse your skin and leave it feeling fresh and healthy without causing dryness or irritation. The product is by Clarins and is called the 'ClarinsMen Exfoliating Cleanser'. It's a facial cleanser designed specifically for men that uses micro-beads to exfoliate the skin and when activated by water they turn into a silky mousse that removes embedded sweat, oil, and spent surface cells. It's made with a chemical called Zinc gluconate which limits the excess oil left on your skin and Bison grass extract to boost the skin tone. The retail price for this product is $19.50 (USD) and can be purchased online at or at Saks Fifth Avenue, Bergdorf Goodman,  skin care supply stores, or your local pharmacy. Fellas don't wast time, cleanse your skin and get it looking it's best, with only the best!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

A Man's Denim-

Gents the denim jacket is BACK!!!! Not that it ever really went anywhere, but lets just say it's making a bigger and better statement than before. For over 50 years the Denim jacket has been an iconic piece of clothing that's apart of Fashion and simply brings a certain "bad boy" character out of any guy that wears it. It could be the rugged, washed, worn out look that personifies the jacket to scream toughness.Or the cropped, metal button, popped collar style that whispers smooth. Either way, denim does something different for every man and is now back to expand it's horizon's. Denim originates in the french city of Nimes and was created by the André Family in which the fabric was originally named Serge de Nimes, serge meaning sturdy fabric. The fabric itself is a rugged cotton twill textile in which the weft passes under two or more warp threads.  Ever since the late 18th century, when denim was first used by Americans, denim has been known as the sturdy fabric that once dyed to an indigo blue color, is used to make jeans. As time went on makers of denim learned that by cutting out certain parts of the creation process, they would end up with a different type of denim. For example, after dying the fabric in the indigo color, makers of the fabric would then wash the material. They later learned that by not washing the fabric after it's dye job, you would end up with what they call Dry or Raw denim. After several types of experimenting, creators of the fabric would learn to make other types of denim such as Selvage denim, stretch denim, and color denim (colors other than indigo). Although you may not see a grand usage of denim in couture collections, you will most definitely see it in the street style of major cities or on the runways of designers who also gear their collections towards everyday wear. However, this season seems to be all about THE DENIM JACKET! Guys are grabbing their jackets from boutiques, department stores, vintage/thrift shops, or even out of the closets of some of their friends and putting their take of the denim jacket on display. From cut-off sleeves, print designs, and boy scout pins, to embroidery, different shades, and different fades, they all create an attention grabbing effect ...I even seen a guy one time take his jacket, throw it in the dirt and step on it, after he picked it up, he ripped a few wholes in it and then put it in his bag. Whether you decide to wear a pair of chinos with some lace-up dress shoes and a collard button down with your denim jacket, or you want to rock out with a pair of old jeans and a t-shirt with a spiked belt and your denim jacket, it's all about what it does for you! From Celebs to regular Joe's, every guy should have a denim jacket on stand bye...remember the world is one big look book and this month features, YOU!

$ A Look for Less $

So I'm not sure if you ladies out there have heard about the Prada Suede platform sandals from the Spring 2011 collection. Well if not then you just did, haha...Anyway, it seems that these spectacles of beauty are making their way back onto the scene. They come in an array of different colors are said to be one of the most comfortable pair of shoes some women have walked in. Now I know what your thinking, here we go with another post of high-end designer wear that has a price tag very few people can afford. Well i'm here today to put that thought to rest, introducing Steve Madden's Dynemite suede platform sandal. If you take a look at these shoes, they are almost identical in design to the Prada's. They both have the one inch platform at the front of the base, the blocked heel (only difference being the Prada's are circular heel), and of course the gold buckle (ankle strap design is slightly different with the Prada's). To pretty much sum it up, you can obtain this look for just a retail value of $79.98 (USD) at Steve Madden. Retail value for the Prada's are $750 (USD). Now if $79.98 is still too much for you then consider the website You can obtain a very similar style to the Prada's for the much cheaper  price of $24.70 (USD). The pics below give you a display of each brand, starting with the top being the Prada's, and the last pic on the bottom being the ones from go-jane. So which ever you choose, you will still have a high-end look on a low end budget! Take a pic of you in your shoes and send em' to me ( and you might just find yourself in a post making your viral debut!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Can I take your Luggage Miss?

ATTENTION ALL WOMEN: GET IN HERE! Here's a new item that I'm sure most of you women out there will like or love! Introducing the Celine Luggage Tote. A bag that has been making it's rounds throughout different circles of women and gaining the attention of celebrites and common folk. Just in time for Summer, this is the perfect everyday bag and can even be carried while handling business. It brings a whole new meaning to the word leather!
The Celine Luggage Tote has officially been named the "IT bag" at this years New York Fashion week by WWD (Women's Wear Daily). The bag has also graced the pages of some high-end magazines such as Glamour and W magazine with a high demand all throughout the fashion world. It has been said to even top some of it predecessor's in the "IT bag" archives such as the Stella Mccarney Falabella bag, the YSL muse, or even the Pourenza Schouler PS1 satchel. However one thing they do share in common is their price tag. The Celine luggage tote is going at a whopping $2,400.00 (USD) a pop! It comes in an array of colors with expanding side handles that give the option to be displayed tucked in or pulled out and can also be purchased in your choice of size (small, medium, or large). Now call me crazy, but i'd say there's one of two reason's for this price's either this bags classic box shaped frame (13in x 14in) that gives the ultimate chic look or the idea alone of the new perfect leather bag. Which ever it may be, it has not stopped some of the most influential and famous celebrities from owning one of their own, check out below some pics of how the Kardashians and others carry their "luggage".

Friday, April 6, 2012


Today I spent my Friday with my pug Nina...It was nice here in Philly so we took a walk and then just chilled on the steps! She's like a freakin rockstar from Mars. However, let me be the first to tell you, she's an accessories kinda girl. Peep the collar...A baby blue diamond studded choker...Tiffany's much?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Little Bling Never Hurt...

So let me just first apologize to you guys for the drought of posts within the last two weeks. I've been a little busy with work and other projects i'm doing while taking some time to myself to do alot of praying and soul searching (My spiritual relationship with god is really important to me). I've also been going aroung and getting the inspiration that helps me make this blog what it is...and believe me I want nothing but the best for you guys! So with that being said I bring to you the top of the line, Hermes! Now I know what your thinking, when someones says 'Hermes' automatically you think of the Birkin bag or the infamous Kelly bag named after the late Princess Grace Kelly respectively (also named after my mom, in my case lol). Now i'm actually NOT going to address either one of those just yet. Don't worry, I am coming around to it, it's just the timing is not quite there yet...but it's coming. What I AM going to talk about however is the Hermes Collier de Chien cuff bracelet (the sterling silver one more specifically)...Ladies and Gent's brace yourself! This popular piece has been showing up on the wrists of some of the most influential and famous women and men (males usually wear the black leather cuff) and is becoming one of the most highly demanded accessories today. The first display in retail for this item dates way back to the 1940's, however the inspiration for it started in the year 1927 from the collier de chien belt.

The term collier de chien is french for 'dog collar' and was used to describe the bracelets design. It comes in several different materials such as calf skin, croc skin, lizard, and silver or gold hardware. It measurments start at 6.1 inches in length and about 1.57 inches in width. There are 8 spiked studs, a set of 4, located on each side of the bracelet, along with a miniature dangling loop located in the center of one set of the studs. For a comfortable fit there is a turn-styled lock located on the strip or metal, depending on what you have, that can be secured with a sliding metal piece for adjustability. Unless your purchasing a gold or silver hardware bracelet the cuff band comes in several different colors from peeble white, to a range of browns such as coffee and "fauve", to red and pinks, blue lizard, right down to black. Depending on the individual, this accessory has been styled in an array of differnent styles that you would swear each one you've seen was different from the last. Now you may notice that for this item to be considered such a work of art, you don't see this bracelet on just anyone right? Well I'm sure you can guess that this may have something to do with the price tag that comes with it. These pieces range from $700 (USD) for a simple leather one to $2600 (USD) for a sterling silver one. So if your like me and like to dream then fly away to dreamland with this one cause it's definitely one to want. However, if dreaming is too much of a reality check for you then here are some pictures above you can look at. I've also included pics of J. Lo below who happens to posses a collection in many different colors of the Hermes Collier de Chien bracelet wearing the sterling silver piece at an interview she did in Brazil recently. Sound off in your comment on what you think about this beauty! 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Tip of A Nail

So this is a quick post for the women out there. I was at work (Equinox Fitness) not too long ago and member who is a friend of mine came in to work out. When she approached the counter, I grabbed her ID card and checked her in and we began to talk. I was happy to see her cause honestly she is one of the funniest women I know and she has the coolest personailty. As we were talking one of my co-workers had noticed the lady I was talking to and came over to join the conversation, she was a friend of her's also. So we were all talking and hanging out and then they began to discuss beauty tips. Well I actually had no place in the convo but automatically I thought of my blogsite and said to myself "maybe the female viewers on my site could use this". So I put up my radars and began to take notes. It was about the nail polish brand Essie. Apparently this is a very popular brand amongst the women of the Upper East Side in New York and everyone seems to rave about, this actually wasn't the first time I heard about it. There are two colors within the brand that they were saying if you layer each one on your nails you'll get the perfect color. "A layer of Vanity Fair and Mademoiselle...". For some reason it was the way they said this that gave me the feeling I had just found out some top secret information. Of course I had to ask what was so special about this and they told me it was a one of the most popular and talked about things to do when painting their nails. So I went on Essie's website myself and found both colors and seen that they were shades of pink. Now the one color is actually called Vanity Fairest so when looking keep that in mind, it's just the way all the women say it that's different. Each color is sold at a retail of $8.00 (USD) and can be purchased online. I'll post the link to the colors below for you to check out. There doesn't seem to be much of a difference to me however I know women can tell. Lol .So go and try it and post some of your comments below!

Vanity Fairest Link:

Mademoiselle Link:

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

'AnOther Man' Mag...

Ok Gents...So here is a magazine that I actually really like and think you guys will too! It's called 'AnOther Man'...It's kind of like the spin off to the 'Another Magazine' magazine (that sounded weird lol). Anyway, it's a men's fashion magazine that focus strictly on men's fashion and things of the male covers topics that ALL men from different cultures, races, and men of different personalities/backgrounds can relate to. There is no official website for it just yet however I did post the most informative online source to the magazine...There also doesn't seem to be a legit way to subscribe to 'AnOther Man' so under the first link, I posted the Amazon link for any chance at subscribing...hope you guys like it!
Online Source:


Louis Vuitton Fall Winter 2012/2013 Paris Fashion Week!!!!!!!!

I'm at a lost for words!!! Louis Vuitton's Fall 2012 Collection has premiered in Paris this week and  once again it proves to be a remarkable brand. The high-waisted silhouettes, tall hats, blocked three-button heels, and checkerboard patterns take us all back to the late 1800's. As always, creative director Mark Jacobs sets the standard high by placing a hand built "steam engine" train on the runway. The inspiration for this collection is said to take a slight nod toward the Academy Award winning film Hugo. The collection was noted by Karen Dacre of the London Evening Standard to be "Recalling a time when train travel was considered the height of luxury, the clothes exuded wealth,”...I couldn't agree more Karen and thanks to Louis Vuitton, they still do....

Forever Floral.

Lillie's, Tulips, Daisies, Daffodil's, or even better Roses! Nothing like a bouquet of flowers to satisfy a women's desire to be loved. She shows affection for the flower because it has been personified to caress her interests in all she finds romantic. She smells it, she touches it, she displays it, and more modernly she wears it. Floral print has been a popular design for many decades and seems to only grow in likability as time goes on. The origin of the material dates back to the early 1600's in the eastern parts of the world such as China and Tokyo. Starting in Asia and making it's way west, European manufacturers began to copy the design to fit ALL Europeans and sold it at a cheaper price point. Back then it was considered a sign of wealth or high status if you were able to wear the design. However now days, if you take a look at the Spring Collection of any major designer you will notice these botanicals have made their way onto the catwalk. But how is it that over time this trend has remained a classic look? Well just ask the young girls who's parents kept them on a strict schedule and forced them to focus on nothing but their studies. Or ask the inspirational trend setter who was going for a more 70's vintage look and came across a floral blouse at the bottom of the trunk in the attic. It's all about what it does for the individual!Whether your pulling off a more wholesome look or your just trying to expand your sense of apparel, floral print is simply one of a kind. From Miu Miu's ready-to-wear Spring Collection and Christian Louboutin's Spring Stiletto to Kate Spade's Floral Dresses and BCBG's Floral Fringe Earrings it all makes it's debut this spring as designers hurry along the warm weather. As the season begins to change you'll notice alot more of this design showing what it exactly it has to offer...especially on the streets of NYC! Even the business executive is taking an interest in the look for it liberates her from the daily monotone attire she is required to wear. She's able to feel like she has more to offer and say other than just sitting behind a desk making executive decisions. Haute Couture department stores such as Bergdorf Goodman and Barney's NYC have Floral designs in blouses, dresses and even shoe wear starting at a retail of $595 (USD) by designers such as Zac Posen, Alexander Wang,and Giambattista. Meanwhile, at a more affordable price point Macy's and Lord & Taylor have floral print design apparel starting at $42 (USD) up to $139 (USD) by designers such as Calvin Klein and Ralph Lauren.So the next time you find yourself consumed with all work and no play, don't just stop and smell the flowers...try em on!!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Oscar 2012 Best Dressed!!

So I'm sure most of you (If not ALL of you) think that I'm late with this one but in all actuality I purposely decided to wait this late to post my Oscar 2012 Best Dressed post. I knew almost immediately after the Oscar's had aired that everyone and I do mean everyone would be posting their judging results on this years academy nominee's and attendees formal wear. But I also wanted everyone to actually take the time and look at my results and take interest in them and not be so overwhelmed or uninterested after seeing SO MANY others. Now of course this blog site is geared towards fashion but ultimately as you all know I am a man of showbiz first and a good amount of these fashion post deal with the world of theater and/or film. As an actor/playwright or sceenwriter (depending of the project) I DREAM of being able to attend the Academy Awards Show as a nominee or be able to just attend. I can honestly say this year however, I never felt so inspired! From the outfits to the nominee's all the way down to the Cirque de Sole performance, I was in pure amazement and consumed with inspiration! I was overjoyed to see nothing but PURE ACTORS and ACTRESSES nominated for such oustanding roles...not just a singer or rapper turned actor there for resume credentials or trying to make a "mark" in the acting world. There were some great on-screen pictures that came out this past year along with great actors chosen for nominations. I personally listed The Artist, The Help, and My Week With Marilyn as my top favorites. Bridemaids was also a favorite of mine, but unfortuantely it didnt get much recognition. But of course, with all that being said I found the show to be truly entertaining this year and even though I'm glad and wanted Meryl Streep (One of my two favorite actresses) to win I still believe Viola Davis should have walked away with Best Actress in a leading role! Better luck to her next year. Now on to the actual purpose of this post, the formal wear. Most people know that we come and watch the Academy Awards to award our favorite actor with a golden gentleman as a token of appreciation for giving us a great movie to watch...BUT! We also watch to see who is gonna transform themselves the best and make us say say "wow, look at that dress!" We gentleman are more reserved in this department simply because this is a black bow tie event and we are expected to arrive in...a black bow tie! There isn't much else we can do with an outfit like this without being considered dressed inappropriately! Anyway, this year I was more than satisfied with the five women pictured above and their choice of attire. Let's start with Gwenyth Paltrow, in the above picture she is shown wearing a Tom Ford White Cape Dress. The slightly gathered fabric over the one shoulder gives this dress just enough style while remaining classic. She keeps the accessories simple with just a sparkly cuff bracelet and a lilac centered diamond ring. To me Gwen has always stayed safe and went with something basic but classic, even when she seems to be taking risks she manages to have a controlled edge to her! She looks AMAZING! Next is Octavia Spencer, and I have to say that not many full figured women can pull of such an amazing look with a dress that's as fitting as this is. However, Octavia wore this dress very well! Here she wears a silver beaded waist-cinched Tadashi Shoji gown paired with Jimmy Choos heels (not shown). She carry's a Judith Leiber clutch and remains simple in her accessories by wearing Neil Lane diamond earrings. Sandra Bullock is pictured wearing a black and white silk crepe Marchesa gown with a gold embroidered detail around the waist and shoulders and elegantly draped back. She carries light with a bronz box shaped croc clutch, drooped gold earrings, and snake shaped gold rings. Next we see Jennifer Lopez wear a shimmering gold Zuhair Murad gown. This ruffled dress and it's plungling neckline create the perfect amount of fashion and class. The cut-out sleeves gives the dress a risk that J. Lo is always willing to take to show off her street credibility in the best way possible. She also keeps it simple with diamond earrings and a diamond ring. Another contender for the box shaped clutch! And Last but not least we have Stacy Keibler. Stacy is the girlfriend of George Clooney and attended her first Oscar Awards Show ever this year. She don's a a gold Marchesa gown with the rose gathering at the hip. She decides to go with the Lorraine Shwartz jewels for accessories and a Judith Leiber clutch! I beleive she could have done without the gathered rose at the hip but that doesn't work against her much, she still get's to be one of my best dressed! So there you have it. These are my best dressed women for the Academy Awards Show 2012. Now honestly, EVERYONE looked good...However some did more than others! Leave a comment and tell me what you guys think!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

A Little Old Hollywood Glamour and Tease~

Ladies and Gentlemen I introduce to you Ms. Anita Ekberg. The Swedish model and actress best known for her role in the Federico Fellini 1960 film La Dolce Vita. Born on September 29th, 1931 Ekberg is the eldest of six children. Growing up Anita worked as a fashion model in her teenage years and competed in several competitions. Her mother always pushed her to compete in the modeling competitions believing that her daughter would one day get her big break. In 1950 Anita entered in the Miss Malmö competition in her country and won, she was automatically selected to compete in the Miss Sweden competition in which she also won! Amazed by this accomplishment, Anita went on to compete in the Miss Universe competition in the United States, upon her arrival to the states she did not speak English. Unforunately she did not win, however she still received a Universal Studios contract as per the rules of the competition at the time, from here her life soared! She met Howard Hughes, the film producer, and was put in several pictures from then on. She became very accustomed to the Hollywood life and even admits to always "playing" instead of working towards bigger roles. As she grew up she became a young sex symbol to photographers. By the mid 1950's Ekberg was a young pin-up and had been offered several contracts from different studios, among them being Paramounts Pictures. She received her first Golden Globe Award for her minor role in John Wayne's 1955 picture Blood Alley. In 1960, Screenplay Writer and Director, Federico Fellini gave Anita the most famous role of her career in the iconic motion picture La Dolce Vita. The film went on to gross a little over $19 million dollars in the US since it's premier on April 19th, 1961. It was nominated for 4 Academy Awards and won Best Costume Design: Black and White. The picture also won the Golden Palm Award at the 1960 Cannes Film Festival and was voted the 6th greatest film of all time by Entertainment Weekly.  Anita Ekberg is now 80 years old and lives in Rome, Italy. She is constantly recognized in pop culture, through songs such as Bob Dylan's 'I Shall Be Free' and movies like From Russia With Love to this day. Not to mention she is one of MY ALL TIME FAVORITES...There is truly nothing like Old Hollywood!

Dolce & Gabbana Men Fall/Winter 2012-13 Collection.

Alright Gents! So it's time for us to take some notes. I'm sure you all know by now how I feel about us men looking our best these days right? Well here is where I try and stay somewhat true to the name of this site and post Dolce & Gabbana's Fall/Winter 2o12-13 Collection. D&G is one of my favorite store's and they really heighten men's fashion in the most daring and risking yet classic way. I've stated in previous post that Tom Ford takes the cake for me however, Dolce & Gabbana has somehow branded themselves in my head and heart. They really capture the essence of what it is to be a real man in the fashion world! Check out the collection and get inspired...not long into the show you can't help but feel appreciative about being a man...THE GENTLEMAN IS BACK!!!!

Dolce & Gabbana Men's 2012 Summer/Spring Collection.

Ok Fellas! Just incase you missed it, Milan held it's Men's Fashion week in January and it was there Dolce & Gabbana debuted it's Men's 2012 Spring/Summer Collection. Other than Tom Ford's collection this one I've got to say has to be one of my favorites! Check it out guys!

Photo's of the Day!!!

So as usual here at RMLF, I do a 'Photo of The Day' post as often as I can. This past week I've been occupied with getting things together for myself personally as well as with my job. However, I always try and find time to roam the streets of NY, pull out my cell phone, and snap some of the most eye catching shots I can...and as always, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! On Thursday I happen to be walking up 5th ave on my way to work. As I'm walking, I past by this beautiful woman you see on the right side of the photo's above first. Her name is Claudia. She spoke with a seemingly European accent that was very soft and timid. When I first noticed her, her hair was tucked away underneath her Black mink trimmed big-button coat. As I asked for her photograph she released her long strands of beauty and smiled. Every-thing about her spoke volumes, from her neatly trimmed golden locks of hair, to her Louis Vuitton spring collection heels...She was fashion! She walked with just the right amount of confidence allowing every wandering eye to re-direct their attention to the nearest work of art, HER! She was moment I always look forward to in my day.

As I continue to make my way off of 5th ave, I then hit Lexington still headed to work. I was coming past Bloomingdales and I just so happen to look through the glass of doors you use to enter. As I glanced in, I was instantly captivated! Although I didn't know it yet but I was staring at Miss Tiffany, the young lady on the left side of the photos at the top. Tiffany is a model who works in the daytime at Bloomindales. She hadn't been long on her shift and began explaining to me the weird series of events that had been happening to her this week. She says "this week has been absolutely insane for me, everyone has been coming up to me asking me to work with them or be apart of their projects..." I simply replied, "Maybe god is trying to tell you something, it's meant to be." She smiled and posed! She donned a light brown mink coat that had touches of dark brown to almost black shades in it. She wore pencil denim jeans to throw most of the attention from her coat to her black platform booties, and she finally topped the scene off with the right amount of make-up. Picture Perfect!

And last but most certainly not least you see the beautiful women in the middle of the photo's at the top. Unfortunately, she was very much busy with getting to her destination so I did not get her name. However, she seemed overjoyed that I wanted her photo, "Wait til' I tell my daughter this..." she says and smiles away. She wore a long brown trench coat that covered what I'm sure was the perfect outfit. The only part that was visible to me was her red-painted fingernails and her face, which was what I wanted to get most importantly. Almost instantly I thought of Eartha Kitt or even Michelle Pfeiffer. Her face was made for the camera and she added to her beauty with a classic platinum short cut. I couldn't help myself but stare, she had a classic 1950's beauty to her that I just knew would never go out of style. She wore platform leopard print heels and bronz-like earrings. This was one mother who successfully managed to hold on to a piece of herself throughout her life of work, kids, and all other responsibilities...and might I add she wore life well!  

Lady Dior Handbag...(Re-released)!!!!

Christian Dior has re-released it's Lady Dior handbag. It is now sold as the large black patent leather "Miss Dior" tote. If your familiar with this iconic piece of merchandise then you know that the larger size wasn't sold in patent leather before. However with this bag you have the option of carrying something a little bigger with the highly embossed effect and two options for your choice of hardware, silver or gold. It comes in several different finishes such as lambskin, graded gray, grey pearlised patent, python, and crocodile skin. It also comes in the patent quilted material such as the one pictured to the left and below. It's cannage stitching and black colour, which was dear to Monsieur's heart, is what makes this bag a timeless piece and is the ideal accessory for the classic woman. The interior is done with logo jacquard lining along with a interior zip pocket inside. There are latches located at the top inner parts of the bag on each side so the bag can be worn with a shoulder strap. It also comes with four metal feet located at the base of the bag for a perfect stance.

Here we have the new Tricolour crocodile 'Lady Dior' bag. This bag comes in Sapphire, Fuschia, and Turquoise and measures at 9.45 x 7.87 x 4.33 inches (The smaller version). The combination of the crocodile skin along with it's attention grabbing colors give this bag it's own place in Couture. It's lined with a Turquoise lambskin interior and like the 'Miss Dior' tote it also has an interior zip pocket located inside. This stylish accessory has a slightly embossed finish along with it's standard silver hardware and also has it's four metal feet for proper postition at the base. This bag is apart of Dior's 2012 spring collection and was featured in Vogue's January 2012 edition. Both of these styles are said to retail at $2000.00 (USD). Now I'm sure most of you are aware that color-block bags are back on trend, but the 'Lady Dior' bag keeps it's viewer on edge giving quality and style in every detail while also requiring the perfect amount of attention through it's meager yet efficient size.  

R.I.P Zelda Kaplan

                                                                                      Zelda Kaplan

The famous Zelda Kaplan has passed. On February 15th, 2012 the 95 year old fashion icon was sitting front row at Joanna Mastroianni's Fashion Show during Mercedes-Benz 2012 Fashion Week in NYC, she collapsed in her seat and was unresponsive. She was carried out of the show by security and staff members and rushed to the hospital where she was later pronounced dead. Born on June 20th 1916, Zelda grew up with a great passion for fashion. She was known as the Matriarch of NYC nightlife and could be spotted wearing her signature African-printed dress along with her tall African-printed cloth hat and oversized circular sunglasses. Her philanthropic work along with her dramatic sense of style was what made this woman like no other. She is said to have been a major advocate for poor women in Africa along with educating and introducing them to birth control. She concentrated on encouraging young women and girls all over the world to never fall victim to the male dominated society and it's expectations for women. Up until the day she passed she remained young at heart and was able to "keep up with the teenagers..". She left this earth in the most desirable manner she could have wanted, front row of a good friend's fashion show during fashion week...what more could such an icon ask for?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


This is a photo of Regina King (from behind) on the red carpet for the 2012 Screen Actors Guild Awards (SAG). I thought this was really inspirational and amazing that she posted this pic on her twitter. Paparazzi as you can see were going crazy for her picture and she satisfied them with classic poses and gestures. Here she is seen in a strapless lilac tulle gown by Alberta Ferretti. It's not very often you'll find one wearing a color that necessarily works with their skin tone. However, here you can clearly see Regina has picked a color that simply promotes her shimmering smooth brown tone and enhances her figure with it's heart-shaped neckline. She tops the outfit off with gold luxe earrings and a matching clutch. I chose to post a picture of her from behind because I found this to be so inspirational and encouraging to anyone who is chasing a dream to show them that if you keep going and trust god, then one day they'll ALL want YOUR picture!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Photo's of the Day!!

Whenever I'm out in the streets of NY I'm constantly looking for something that'll catch my eye. With everyone striving for that ultimate fame, there are very few people that can catch the eye of the masses by simply just being! A little over a year ago I was buying some gifts for my family at Zara's second 5th ave location on 53rd street. While I was shopping around I had the honor of meeting a young lady who worked there by the name of Bintou Fall. Bintou is a 20 year old model who lives and works in NYC. She's experienced in runway and print modeling and has done work for many commercial company's such as Loreal and the popular American magazine 'The Fader'. She has graced many of the runways from NY down the coast to Atlanta and has worked with many well known photographers such as celebrity photographer Udor of Udor Photography and Dallas J. Logan of Page 21 magazine. She's 5'10 and measures perfectly at 32, 23, 34.

Bintou is from Dakar, Senegal, a country located on the western coast of Africa and is the first generation American born member of her family. As a child she always dreamt of being a supermodel, her mother dressed her in adult clothing for fun and took pictures of her while she pretended to walk the catwalk in oversized stilletoes. She names her Mother and Grace Jones as her inspiration and hopes to be an international model one day working the markets all over the world. I had the pleasure of having Bintou assist me while shopping at Zara and she helped me pick out a pair of the most fashion forward wedges I bought for my mom, a post on them is in the works.To this day the wedges I bought are one of my mom's favorite pair of shoes that she has (Thanks again Bintou)! We exchanged contact information and when I finally got the chance to look at her facebook, her pictures were the first thing I went for. I was amazed! Bintou has such talent and authenticity, she kept me wondering while looking at each picture how she was going to top herself in the next photo to come. She has a way of expressing herself in front of the camera that brings each scene to life. Her distinguished look promotes perfection in every casting call she attends and gives every client the image of a true beauty exhibition. She's known by some of her employers to be one of their favorite models to work with and they love her personality. From her professionalism to her fine-tuned runway strut, she gives her career a brand new meaning. At such a young age Bintou is on the brink of dominating the modeling world. I'm convinced that one day when I'm not looking she's going to show up on some high end designers catwalk for their Fall Collection.

To book Bintou Fall please contact her at or on her facebook at, but hurry! She won't be available to just anyone for long.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

First Lady in Fashion

First Lady of the United States Michelle Obama has been featured in today's Vogue online daily article. She was last seen on the cover of the magazine in March of 2009, two months shy of her husband's inauguration as the first black president of the United States, President Barack Obama. She was quoted saying “I love clothes...First and foremost, I wear what I love. That’s what women have to focus on: what makes them happy and what makes them feel comfortable and beautiful.” Known to don some of the most classic and elegant styles First Lady Michelle Obama has been said to be one of the most stylistic women in politics and fashion period since former First lady Jackie Kennedy, one of the first political trend setters known for her brilliant and sophisticated sense of style. Both women have shown the world how to take a place in world change in a male dominated society and create a difference politically while looking their best doing it. Her main style advisor is 41 year old Ikram Goldman from Israel who is the owner of the chicago based boutique Ikram boutique. Goldman is known for her vintage apparel within her store and has been said to posses a eclectic style. The First lady has stated her top 10 designers to be...
1.Naeem Kahn
2.Barbara Tfank
3.Isabel Toldeo
4.Jason Wu
5.Michael Kors
6.Azzedine Alaia
7.Narciso Rodriguez
8.Rachel Roy
10.Tracy Reese
What I find to be the best part is that this influential black woman has a prominent position in both a political aspect and social aspect of our country. She inspires and demonstrates to all young women that success and positivity are within arms reach, but for the young African American women and girls all over the world this woman will be more than just an inspiration, she will forever be an example of their own!

Check out Vogue's online article about our First lady at

The Perfect Gift!

Ok ok ok, I admit I haven't done a post in the past TWO days but I have been really busy traveling back and forth between NY and Philly. I think I have something though that will make up for it, just take a look at the picture above. Now we're already getting towards the end of the first month of the new year and I can't think of where time went. But nonetheless, we're moving forward into February and before we know it Valentine's Day will be here. Now some people would say this day is extremely over rated and isn't even a real holiday. Then there's the ones who are madly in love with their "soul mate" and believe this is the day made just for them. Which ever side of the fence your on we all agree that it's just another day to enjoy the company of other's! With that being said what better way to show someone you love by getting a nice gift. I'm talking a gift that they would remember and truly be grateful for. Well, if you want to make that special person feel special then I say you can't go wrong when it comes to Chanel. Chanel has released it's signature fragrance No. 5 Eau Premiere. This is more like a spin off to the original No. 5 Eau de Parfum first released by Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel herself in 1921. The story of No. 5 is a very popular one and well known all over the world. Russian-French chemist and perfumer Earnest Beaux designed the fragrance along with 23 other fragrances for the French Couture designer. He displayed the samples in Vials lined across for Coco and she began choosing which scents she liked most. When she got to the fifth vial, she knew that it had the modern innovation she was looking for and told Beaux whom she commissioned at the time "I present my dress collections on the fifth of May, the fifth month of the year and so we will let this sample number five keep the name it has already, it will bring good luck." And in Christmas of 1921 the famed perfume made it's debut. 

Now, what about the men? I mean after all we're expected to go above and beyond for that special lady on V-day right, so what can we expect in return? Well luckily, Chanel has also released one of it's signature fragrances for men called "Bleu de Chanel". I actually went and got this fragrance myself and it is one of my personal favorite colognes to wear. It has a bold draft to it yet a slight powder fragrance that captivates yours senses. Perfect for the successful business man and convenient for the young man who inspires to be. Just A small amount to the pressure points and one will that was kind of corny but trust me when you guys smell this cologne it's like love at first sniff. You can pick up either one of these fragrances or both at any major department store like Neiman's, Sak's, Bergdorf's or Macy's. The No. 5 fragrance retails at $85 (USD) for the 2.5 oz. bottle and $125.00 (USD) for the 5.0 oz bottle. The Bleu de Chanel Fragrance for men retails at $62.00 (USD) for the 1.7 oz. bottle and $84.00 (USD) for the 3.4 oz bottle. You can also purchase both of these fragrances online at . So if you really love someone whether romantically or just as a friend then give them this gift that show's you really care this Valentine's Day...Don't forget the chocolate!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Another Year of Men's Chino's

I like Chino's! To me they are versatile and comfortable. I have a pair of chino's that I purchased from H&M and they are one of my favorite pair of pants! You can take chino's and dress them up with dress shoes and a dress shirt or you can dress them down with a casual pair of drivers or sneakers and a t-shirt (the perfect summertime in NY attire). What makes these pants such a top seller I think is the material. I like the slim fit look personally, however when it comes to denim this slim fit look can get uncomfortable or can just have a plain unpredictable way of falling on you! Chino's are made from the cotton twill fabric which allows a lot more movement and stretch within it's material. They were originally designed for work or military uniforms but then were adopted by American style in the 20th century. After the birth of it's design Chino's came in the standard Khaki color, but as time went on they began to come in several different brighter colors and became known as spring attire. Below I have pictured 3 of my favorite styles of Chino's along with their website links from J. Crew, Ralph Lauren and H&M. Which do you like?

J. Crew:

Ralph Lauren:


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Brush with Beauty!

So it's no secret that I know more about make-up than the average guy...Lol...but what I also know is good products or items when I see them. Now the one basic essential that every girl knows she needs when applying make up is what...A make-up brush! Most make up artist will tell you that brushes are better to use when applying make-up instead of your fingers because you will get more of a pinpoint finish and more importantly for hygiene/safety purposes. Your fingers can't contour your nose much like a brush can and even though you may have applied your make-up hundreds of times you still run the risk of scratching your face and getting make up chemicals in your wound. So of course there are plenty of reviews and ratings all over the world that indicate who sells the best brushes! Well here is another. Now I'm sure most of you are familiar with the brand MAC, so your probably already aware of the quality of their brushes and what they offer. Well another company who sells quality brushes at affordable prices is Sephora. Below is a picture of Sephora's Vanity brush set. It comes with a Complexion Brush 5.5", Concealer Brush 4.75", Flat Eyeliner Brush 4.75", Eye Blending Brush 4.75", Pointed Eye Crease Brush 4.75", Smudge Brush 4.75", along with a circular black case (4.5 x 3 x 6.5). Now quality brushes prices can get a little steep, however this brush set retails at just $48 (USD). Not too bad for quality brushes! They also have the Standing Brush Set that comes with a Powder Brush, Small Contour Brush, Medium Eyeshadow Brush, Dome Smudge Brush, and an Angled Liner Brush. This Brush set comes with a case that allows these brushes to stand on their own if you unzip the sides down, and it retails at just $25 (USD)...I've pictured that below also.

Vanity Brush Set: $48 (USD)

Standing Brush Set: $25 (USD)

Now if you are more of the make-up artist inspiring individual or just liked to paint clowns as a just kidding...then this is the part to pull out the more high tech stuff...Now the numbers in brush sets can go as high up as 40 brushes...MASSIVE! However I am going to show you two professional brush sets that professional make-up artist have been said to use. The first picture below is a brush set by Kevyn Aucoin. This 11 piece hand-crafted brush set is sold as a set as well as individually (at more affordable rates) online. Each brush has it's own specific shape to identify it's functionality. This brush set in particular retails at $350 (USD). Underneath are the names of the brushes that come in the set.

Large Brush and Powder Brush
Super Soft Buff Blush and Powder Brush
Contour Brush
Medium Eye Shadow Brush
Small Eye Shadow Flat Tip
Small Eye Shadow Soft Round Tip
Concealer Brush
Eyebrow Mascara Brush
Lip Brush
Small Eye Shadow/Eyebrow Brush
Sculpting Brush

The Second picture below is a 23 piece professional brush set by Kolinsky. This brush set is said to be the creme de la creme of brushes. Each brush is made from pure Kolinsky which is a mink from an animal only found in Russia and China. It's soft high grade bristles gives the best porosity for the top of the line application. This set retails at $375 (USD) and can be bought offline. Underneath the photo are the names of the brushes that come within this set as well.
Kabuki Fan Brush
Powder Dome Brush
Tapered Powder Brush
Chisel Blush Brush
Angled Blush Brush
Eye Brow Brush
Round Contour Eye Brush
Round Crease Brush
All Over Eyeshadow Brush
Mini Eye Smudger
Angled Blending Brush Squirrel Bristle
Medium eyeshadow Application Brush
Small Application brush
angled eyeshadow brush
Eye Liner Brush
Small detail Brush
Mascara Spoolie
Lip Brush
Brow/Lash Brush
Lg Foundation Brush 
Small Foundation Brush 
Lip Liner Brush 
Xtra Small Eye detail Brush
Beautiful Deluxe Chocolate Brown Roll Case with Satin Ribbon

So there it is, my post on makeup brushes...Hopefully it helped!!